Worship, Sunday 11:00 am | Bible Study, Sun. 10:00 am & Wed. 7:30 pm
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24 Kenilworth Place
Brooklyn, 11210
Church# (718) 434-4307
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth
Kenilworth Baptist Church is a place where the doors are always open, where you will encounter spiritual truths and wrestle with questions in a safe and welcoming community. Come join in what is happening at Kenilworth!
We have Women’s, Mens, Youth, Kids, and Outreach ministries. Our church is open and friendly with many social activities.
Bible Study
The mission of our church is to bring awareness about God’s existence to people of all ages and encourage them to learn their own faith.
Our Pastor

Pastor Lawrence Taylor
We believe that salvation comes to individual sinners only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, apart from any human merit through His substitutionary atoning sacrifice. In order to be saved, sinners must experience a new spiritual birth wroth by a sovereign God through the power of His Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. This birth is instantaneous and not a process, and is evidenced by newness of life.
We believe that justification is an act of God in which He declares the believer to be righteous on the basis of faith in Christ and the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to the believing sinner. As such, we believe that those who are born again are eternally secure, possess everlasting life, will not come into condemnation, have passed out of death into life, and shall never perish.

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We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sunday Gatherings Sunday, 10am, 11:00am